How do you start Eyelash extensions at home?

Don’t be fooled by what you see on glossy magazine spreads and fashion websites because most of those women have been Photoshopped and got Permanent makeup. However, it doesn’t mean that all women have been digitally enhanced to look pretty because the cosmetic world offers services that can help improve your looks. For example, if you want to smoothen wrinkles you can get Botox injections to paralyze your muscles and to stop them from contracting hence the immaculately smooth and creaseless look. Another example is if you want to achieve plumper lips. Aside from makeup techniques that give the illusion of fuller lips, you can actually get dermal fillers to achieve that Kylie Jenner pout. For women who wish to add volume to their lashes they usually resort to eyelash extensions.

Eyelash extension is normally performed in salons. However, video tutorials and blog posts are circulating online convincing women that they can do it at home. It is indeed tempting to do an eyelash extension at home and it doesn’t help that tutorials on YouTube make it look so simple and easy. All you need to do is to follow the instructions, hit the pause button if you get confused or click rewind to do it all over again but the question is, is it safe? The answer is not definite but it’s important to realize that if you miss one step it might ruin everything.

When it comes to cost, there’s no denying that you’ll save a lot of money if you do your own lashes plus you don’t have to spend on tips. However, you need to spend time studying how it’s done, make sure you get all the steps right in order to achieve success. Obviously, you don’t have to worry about these things if you are in a salon because the eyelash specialist will take care of everything from start to finish. If you are really resolute in doing your own lashes, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create the perfect lashes at home.

First Step: Use a makeup remover and gently clean your natural eyelashes and eyelids. It is important not to skip this step otherwise the fake lashes won’t stick. Make sure that your eyelashes and eyelids are free of makeup residues and oil.

Second step: Add one drop of glue on a clean aluminum foil. This step is also essential so that the eyelash glue will not dry out. This will also stop you from adding too much glue.

Third step: Before you add glue to the fake eyelashes we recommend you take a few fake lashes and apply it on the areas of your eyes where you want them to be to give you an idea what it’s going to look like once it’s glued in. You want to achieve a more natural look and well, natural eyelashes have strands of hair in various lengths and the spacing is not perfectly even. It helps to check and study your natural lashes so you can copy them with the falsies. The last thing you’d want is to spend your time and energy applying fake lashes only to make them look “fake”. Your goal is to make them blend naturally with your real lashes.

Fourth step: Once you’ve decided on the placement you can start gluing the fake lashes in your eyelids. In order to achieve the best results, it is ideal that you work on them as slowly and as carefully as you can because once it’s glued in you won’t be able to redo it. Start from the outer corner of your lids going in. If you make a mistake you can apply an eyelash remover but as much as possible you don’t want to make mistakes after spending hours doing it.

There you have it, the four easy steps on applying eyelash extensions at home. If you are not confident with your skills, it’s best to visit a salon.

Published by

Recy Wang

Recy is the owner of Perfection Permanent Makeup and has been doing permanent cosmetic treatments for over a decade. She served as a consultant for the prestigious Fengguan Beijing Plastic Surgery hospital and within 2.5 year had secured the position of lead consultant for permanent makeup.