What You Should Know About Cosmetic dentistry

If your concern is your oral health you should see a Brentwood Dentist at least twice a year for a routine exam and professional teeth cleanings. These two coupled with an oral care routine are the foundations of a healthy mouth. However, if your main concern is the look of your smile then you need the expertise of a cosmetic dentist.

Basically, a general dentist and a cosmetic dentist received the same basic training and education to do oral exams, provide fillings, and perform teeth cleaning to name a few. However, the focus of general dentistry is preventive dental care and routine treatments. Meanwhile, cosmetic dentistry is more concerned with the aesthetics of your smile. Cosmetic dentists underwent additional training and completed professional programs and courses so they can develop unique skills that will improve their teeth’ appearance.

Therefore, if you need to close minor tooth gaps, have your severely discolored teeth whitened, or if you want to change the size of your teeth to make them proportioned to your face, a cosmetic dentist can fix all these for you.

Let’s check out some of the most interesting facts about cosmetic dentistry that you probably have never heard of before.

#1 Cosmetic Dentistry Helps Boost Your Oral and Oral Functionality

Did you know that dental problems left untreated will eventually become dental cosmetic problems? One example is tooth decay. When you leave tooth decay alone it will not go away. In fact, it will worsen and eventually cause your tooth to fall off. When you have a cavity, getting a dental filling will help restore the strength, integrity, and durability of your tooth. If you lose your tooth due to extensive decay you will likely experience oral health complications associated with tooth loss such as difficulty chewing, gum disease, jawbone loss, and TMJ pain.

If you have missing teeth replacing them as soon as possible should be a priority to prevent complications. Some of the procedures that replace missing teeth include bridges, dentures, crowns, and implants, all of which will improve your oral function while at the same time restore your smile.

#2 Veneers Do Not Stain

Grab a mirror, hold it in front of you and then smile. Make sure you show your teeth. What do you see? What’s the first thing that you noticed? If it’s yellow teeth, don’t worry, you’re not the only one. More than half of the US population struggle with tooth discoloration. Yellow teeth aren’t unhealthy but they do affect your self-esteem because they ruin a beautiful smile.

Cosmetic dentistry can help solve tooth discoloration issues through teeth whitening and porcelain veneers. Between the two, teeth whitening treatment is more affordable but if you go back to drinking dark-colored beverages like tea, wine, soda, and coffee, the effect of teeth whitening will gradually fade and you’ll soon find your teeth darken again.

A popular dental cosmetic treatment that permanently gives you a bright smile is the application of porcelain veneers. Veneers are thin porcelain shells that your cosmetic dentist will attach to your affected teeth to improve their color. Color isn’t the only thing veneers help enhance. They also conceal tooth gaps, chips, and cracks and they can be reshaped to help you achieve the size and shape you want. What’s amazing about veneers is that once they are attached over the front side of your teeth, they’ll stay there for eight to ten years. Despite how thin they are, veneers are incredibly durable but they are not invincible and they can still get cracked and chipped so you need to be careful by avoiding biting into hard and chewy foods. Veneers don’t stain. If you are a coffee drinker or if you can’t give up your wine nights, this is a good option for you. You can enjoy as many dark-colored beverages as you want without worrying about them staining your teeth.

#3 The Treatments Are Not Generic

Cosmetic dentistry is so unique because every patient is different and their needs vary. The treatments are carefully studied and though-out to give you the smile you want to have. Many people are scared that they might lose their unique features when they try cosmetic dentistry. This isn’t the case at all. If you love the shape of your teeth and you just want to improve their color, your cosmetic dentist will find a treatment that will do just that.

Although enhancing your smile is the focus of cosmetic dentistry, surprisingly, there are quite a lot of bonuses that come with the treatments.

Published by

Dr. Mamaly Reshad

Dr. Mamaly Reshad, DDS, MSc, Prosthodontist, has over 20 years of experience in dentistry is the owner of ArtLab Dentistry in Brentwood.