Sleep Hygiene Tips – Manhattan Acupuncture

Do you know that if you are having trouble sleeping Galapagos Acupuncture can help? There are many factors that contribute to a disrupted sleeping pattern and one of the most common contributing factors is stress. Stress can happen to anyone regardless of age and gender. People who got fired from work and who are struggling to pay their bills can get stressed as well as those who have been recently diagnosed with a life-threatening condition. As you can notice, these things are beyond your control. The goal is not to evade stress but to learn how to effectively manage it.

If you have tried stretching exercises, yoga, deep breathing and meditation but to no avail we recommend you give acupuncture a try. Acupuncture is a drugless way of providing stress relief and it also aids in developing good sleeping habits. Let’s learn more.

Understanding the Cycle of Stress and Sleep Deprivation

When your body is under a lot of stress you’ll experience indigestion, anxiety, headaches, high blood pressure and possibly depression. Another known side effect of stress is sleep deprivation. Unfortunately, if you fail to deal with stress it will create a vicious cycle of stress and sleeping problems. The more stressed you are the more likely you’ll experience sleep loss and the less sleep you get the more stressed you become. This cycle will continue until you find a way to deal with stress.

The explanation behind the stress and sleep deprivation cycle stems from your brain specifically the amygdala. This is the part of your brain that is responsible for your emotions. When you lack sleep, your amygdala will become highly sensitive to negative stimuli. Another part of your brain called the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for high reasoning functions become less responsive when you lack sleep. All these will result to an increased level of anxiety and worry.

Acupuncture In Relieving Stress and Inducing Sleep

According to reports and several studies, acupuncture is believed to be an effective solution in relieving stress and inducing sleep. Through the application of thin, sterile needles at specific areas in your body healing will be achieved. When your anxiety and stress levels drop, melatonin will be released and when this is released you will be able to achieve better and more restful sleep. It’s safe to say that acupuncture is an excellent way to break the stress and sleep deprivation cycle.

Another study showed that your body’s pressure points could help reduce stress and the number of stress hormones your body produces. Interestingly, there was another study revealing that participants who received acupuncture treatment were able to experience less stress for up to 90 days following their last session.

Aside from receiving acupuncture treatment it also helps to turn off all gadgets three hours before bedtime and that includes laptops, smartphones and your television. The bright blue light from these devices will suppress your body’s ability to release melatonin, a hormone that plays an important role in sleep. Turning these off will help you stick to your sleeping schedule.

It also helps to establish a bedtime routine. When your body gets used to the routine it will stimulate the production of sleep hormones allowing your body to relax from all the stress. Eating healthy foods can also help your body cope with stress because it allows it to function optimally.


Aside from acupuncture, we also recommend you set up your bedroom to be conducive for sleeping. Turn off the lights, make sure the temperature is comfortable and we believe investing in a durable and comfortable mattress helps. When you follow these instructions we are sure you’ll be able to successfully break through the stress and sleep deprivation cycle.

Published by

Dr. Ziki Dekel

Dr. Ziki Dekel is a licensed acupuncturist (L.Ac.), nationally certified in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. It was his experience as a patient of acupuncture medicine, which prompted him to become a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, after receiving his B.A. from Brown University. Dr. Dekel has also practiced acupuncture at Saint Vincent’s Hospital. He currently owns and practices as Galapagos Acupuncture in Manhattan.